Luxurious exfoliating mask for the scalp that detoxifies and purifies in depth to boost the hair’s growth cycle, resulting in a stronger, more vigorous mane.
The intensive exfoliation and action of its active ingredients upgrades both oxygenation and liberation of the follicles and scalp for their optimal cellular breathing and receptivity of nutrients. Consequently, this guarantees an enhanced regeneration of the follicles and reconstruction of the fibers’ internal and external structure, necessary to both prolong and initiate new hair growth cycles. Moreover, a healthy scalp improves the hair’s anchorage, thereby decreasing hair loss.
This mask regulates and absorbs oil production thanks to its equilibrating action upon the sebaceous glands to additionally prevent the sebum’s oxidation which generates dandruff and other disconformities of the scalp.
Maintains the hair visibly clean for longer, neutralizing the scalp’s scent. On another hand, it also helps to relieve the scalp’s discomfort by optimizing natural hydration factors, strengthening the skin’s barrier and balancing the microflorae.
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